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Important dates

Hercules Annual Session 2025 will take place from March 9th to April 12th 2025.



 When  What
From 26th August to 6th October 2024

Online application to Hercules 2025


Decision of the selection committee (saying whether you are accepted, on the waiting list, or refused) will be sent by email

Before 1st December 2024

Commitment to participate in Hercules 2025 and additionnal information
Payment of the registration fees

Creation of your ILL user account (Full-time participants only: click here)

Before 6th January 2025
(Full-time participants only)

Additional mandatory documents to upload
Wish list for the practicals/labs/tutorials to fill in

Before 31st January 2025
(Full-time participants only)

Creation of your ESRF user account

Safety trainings for the ESRF and the ILL
Employer authorization to access controlled radiation areas, for ILL

NB: there will be some additionnal formalities to accomplish regarding the partner site

From March 09th to April 12th 2025

HERCULES 2025 annual session

Full-time participants:

   Arrival in Grenoble on Sunday March 9th, welcome between 5:30 pm and 9:00 pm at the hotel.

   Departure from Grenoble on Saturday April 12th.


Part-time participants:
   The online programme will start on Monday March 10th in the morning and end on Friday April 11th evening.