Foreign currency can be exchanged at several banks in Grenoble downtown.
You can also find a cash dispenser of Credit Agricole bank very close to the school site (address: 6 place de la Résistance).
Weather conditions
The weather in February/March can be cold and rainy but gives the opportunity of experiencing snow sports in the mountains nearby. You can find information on the ski stations close to Grenoble here.
You can check weather forecast here or look directly real time weather conditions using webcams.
Tourist Information
You can find information on what to do, what to eat, places to visit, etc. directly online.
If you wish to receive maps, lists of accommodation, descriptions of sites,... please contact :
Grenoble Office du Tourisme, 14 rue de la République, 38019 Grenoble, France
Ph: +33 (0)4 76 54 34 36
In case of an emergency you can use the following phone contacts:
Police : 17
Emergency medical aid : 15
European emergency number : 112
The University Grenoble Alpes, for many years now, have had a policy aimed at promoting equality between men and women among our staff and students, fighting against discrimination and working to make our territory welcoming. Please visit here for more information.
If you are victim or witness of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), discrimination or harassment taking place at HERCULES School, you can :
- get in touch with HERCULES' direction
- use this form to report the incidents to University Grenoble Alpes
- get in touch with your home university
In case you need health assistance, you can contact the UGA health centre.
In Grenoble, from 8 PM to 8 AM a duty chemist is always open. Check which one is open today here.